living prayers - contemporary prayers for today

contemporary prayers for today

prayer for stress at work

Two people working at a desk

Gathered together on this page are several uplifting prayers to pray when you are faced with challenges in the workplace. There is a powerful prayer for when dealing with stress at work, a prayer for help with your job, and a prayer for a difficult boss. There are also three inspiring quotes from the bible for receiving God's peace and strength, and a beautiful short film to meditate on before beginning your working day.

Prayer for stress at work
(a prayer for peace of mind and guidance in the workplace)


May your love overcome my resentment
May your strength overcome my exhaustion
May your truth overcome deceit
May your hope overcome apathy
May your light overcome darkness
May your wisdom overcome confusion
May your peace overcome my stress
So that I might rise up with a new heart,
With rest and balance
With transformed thoughts
To face the challenges afresh
And bring the beautiful fragrance of your kingdom
Into my workplace.


Prayer Before Work

An uplifting morning prayer which gives the decisions of the coming working day over to God:-

"May your hope overcome apathy"

Prayer for help at work

Dear God,

I find it so hard to cope with the demands placed on me at work and the way I feel undervalued and mistreated. I lay this situation before you. Please come to bring change, to cut the chains of fear and worry that I feel in the workplace. I pray for those who oversee my job that they might see the reality of this situation, so that I can flourish and thrive as I seek to serve you.


Prayer for difficult boss

Dear Father,

Thank you that you are with me. Thank you that your Holy Spirit is working in my life to bring Kingdom blessings to the earth. I come before you with the difficulties I am experiencing with my manager. I lay before you the stress that it creates for me, and the tensions that I am aware of. Please give me great wisdom, strength and grace at this time. Help me to respect my boss, but also not to be mistreated. Give me wisdom as I seek to negotiate, to stand my ground, and to remain respectful of my work colleagues.

At this time, I choose to lean on you Lord, for in you I find strength and grace.


A morning prayer for work with sunrise over trees in the foreground

Prayer for inner peace and calm
(a prayer for calmness with nerves and anxiety)

Holy Spirit, please encircle me,
Come hold me safe and secure.
Wrap my mind up with your truth
Guide my thoughts and calm my fears.
Steady my emotions,
Lord that you would guide my feelings,
May I not be overcome by upset.
Sustain my soul,
With vision for the future,
And hope for tomorrow.

I need you.


bible quotes for receiving God's peace & strength

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

(Philippians 4:6, NIV)

"I asked the Lord for help,
and he saved me from all my fears."

(Psalm 34:4, CEV)

"I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me."

(Philippians 4:13, GNT)