living prayers - contemporary prayers for today

contemporary prayers for today

prayer for a friend

shaking hands

Featured on this page are several examples of prayers for friends, with a daily prayer for happiness and blessing, and a short prayer request for God's strength and restoration to come. If you currently have a friend who is ill and perhaps in hospital or about to have surgery, you may find this prayer for healing useful. There are also some inspiring quotes from the bible on friendship further down on this page. We begin with a beautiful Irish prayer that you can send to friend as a blessing in a card or message:-

An Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Short prayer for a friend
(a daily prayer for their happiness)

Thank you for my special friend.
I love them so and pray for your blessing to be upon them.
Fill up their lives with your goodness.
Pour out your hope into their hearts.
Come revive them with showers of love,
And bathe them in your grace.
May they drink in your truth and goodness,
And live lives full of joy.


a prayer for friends

Julie Palmer from Prayerscapes leads us in a beautiful short prayer for our friends:-

Healing prayer for friends
(a prayer for a loved one or close friend)


As the wind blows,
Breathe in new life to my loved one.
As the sun shines
Warm their hearts with your hope.
As the birds fly,
Lift their minds to see vision for the future.
As the plants grow,
Restore their bodies with new health.
As the rain falls,
Wash away the infection, disease and illness they suffer.

You are Lord of all.
We put our trust in you!


celtic prayer blessing

A modern interpretation of the ancient Celtic blessing, "May the road rise up to meet you", composed and performed by prayerscapes:-

download this film in HD at Prayerscapes

Prayer for a friends strength

O Lord,

You know how much I long to see my friend restored.
You are with us all, at all times, and in all places.
Your love gives us the strength to endure,
And breathes hope into our lives.

So I pray for rivers of your love to be flowing in their life.
Through the care of friends and family,
Through the beauty of creation,
Through your life-giving words and healing Spirit.
Everlasting Father you promise to be our strength in times of weakness,
So I trust my friend into your hands.

Please lead me as I pray and care for them,
So that I may reveal more and more of your great love and grace.


(prayer by Julie Palmer copyright © 2019

quotes on friendship from the bible

"One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

(Proverbs 18:24, NIV)

"Love cannot be drowned
by oceans or floods;
it cannot be bought,
no matter what is offered"

(Song of Solomon 8:7, CEV)

"This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me."

(John 15:12-15, NLT)


further reading

arrow rightprayers for marriages
two prayers for relationship that are in trouble or difficulty.

arrow right prayers for unborn babies
a short prayer for a pregnant mother & a petition for a sick baby.

arrow right birthday prayers
featuring several birthday prayer messages for sons, daughters, moms and other family relatives.