living prayers - contemporary prayers for today

contemporary prayers for today

prayer for relationship

a couple holding hands, seen from above

Featured on this page are several prayers and bible quotes to help with your relationship. There is a prayer which asks for God's refreshing to come into a long standing relationship or marriage, and an inspiring prayer "May our love be built on you", which asks for the Lord's strengthening on a relationship. There is also a prayer for love to return, and three uplifting bible verses about love. Be encouraged as you pray and come to the one "who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine" (Eph 3:20, NIV).

Prayer for relationship

Reset us Lord, help us to find the time and space to begin again.
Refresh us Lord, help us to rediscover each other anew. May we engage once more in our love.
Remind us Lord, help us to recall the good times, and hold onto the reasons we chose one another.
Reshape us Lord, take our marriage and breathe in new life. Come build in new dreams and visions.
Redeem us Lord, help us to communicate to one another in grace, to forgive each other and find new unity.

Thank you that you are our Lord.
We trust in you to refresh our love.


"we trust in you to refresh our love"

May Our Love Be Built on You
(a prayer poem for strengthening a relationship)

May our love be built on you, may our roots go deep and wide.
May we soak in heavens love and the joy of heavens light.
May each stone we place together be the foundation of our unity,
And the dreams of our future be like windows into eternity.

May we always lean on you, hour by hour and day to day,
Till every part of us reveals the beauty you have made.

May we be a safe warm space, a shelter for the poor,
And if we get to cosy keep on knocking at the door.
May the fire burn bright and true within our lives each day,
And if the darkness closes in keep our love flame safe we pray.

May we always lean on you, hour by hour and day to day,
Till every part of us reveals the beauty you have made.

Prayer for love to return

O Lord,

Each moment of everyday I trust my loved one to you. May you cover them with protection, carry them through the hard times, and lead them to love and happiness.
May you rekindle the fire of our love. Come inspire my mind and show me if there is anything I can do to care for my loved one.

I can not always be there for them, but you are forever besides them. Each moment of everyday I trust my loved one to you.


bible quote about the plans of God with trees and road in background

Prayer for troubled marriage

Dear Lord,

I promised that I would always love, honour, cherish and respect when I married. Sometimes it is hard to keep these promises.

Please reignite our love where it has faded.
Please help us to communicate our needs and understand one another.
Please help us to remember good times and to cherish new times together.
Please help us to forgive, and also to respect and enjoy our differences.

You are part of our vision, you know us both deeply, only you understand the problems we face.
So we trust in you to restore our love. We choose to live in your promises, to take each day and transform it into a beautiful picture, an intimate friendship, and a testament to your love through us.


Prayer for Loved Ones

a prayer for those who are close to us and going through a hard time, with inspiring scenes and uplifting music:-

bible quotes about relationships

"Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry."

(James 1:19, GNT)

"Many waters cannot quench the flame of love, neither can the floods drown it. If a man tried to buy it with everything he owned, he couldn’t do it."

(Song of Solomon 8:7, TLB)

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

(John 13:34-35, NIV)