living prayers - contemporary prayers for today

contemporary prayers for today

prayer of illumination

open bible

The definition of "prayer of illumination"

What is a prayer of illumination? This kind of prayer is usually said just before reading a passage from the bible. It is a request to God asking Him to reveal His truth to us as we read and meditate on the scriptures. The apostle Paul states that scripture can also train, challenge, teach and equip us. Before we read God's word we can invite the Holy Spirit to speak to us in this way.

This page offers two examples of illumination prayers and an inspiring prayer to say together before a group bible study. There is also an uplifting opening prayer film suitable for showing at the start of a worship meeting or church service.

Prayer of illumination

Dear Lord,

Help us as we read these scriptures together. Come bring your understanding and reveal your truth. Come open our minds, hearts and souls to all that these words of life offer us.

We long to be continually challenged, transformed and renewed by your word. May we hear your voice of life as we read and draw close to you.


Short prayer for illumination

Dear God,

Please use these scriptures to reveal more of your love, truth and promises to us.

In the name of Jesus we pray.


Prayer before bible study group

As we open our bibles
We also open our hearts
That these words of truth may fall upon the very fabric of our lives.
May these ancient scriptures come alive within us,
To inspire, to heal, to cleanse, to teach
To restore and to guide our hearts and minds.
Lord, come weave your words of life in us.


opening prayer

a short prayer suitable for opening a meeting or church service inviting God to come and inspire and equip His people:-

"Come bring your understanding and reveal your truth"

useful bible quote for these prayers

"Everything in the Scriptures is God's Word. All of it is useful for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live. The Scriptures train God's servants to do all kinds of good deeds."

(2 Timothy 3:16-17, CEV)