living prayers - contemporary prayers for today

contemporary prayers for today

prayer for loneliness

Three candles burning in the dark

This page contains three modern prayers to help with times of loneliness. The first prayer is a heart cry to God about the depression that comes from feeling lonely and isolated. The second prayer reflects on the heartache and loneliness that can be encountered in Christian marriage, when a partner becomes more distant and cold. Finally, there is a prayer for peace and strength to help when feeling alone or sad.

Prayer for loneliness and depression

Sometimes Lord, I feel like there is no-one I can turn to. Everyone is busy and involved in their own lives.

Sometimes Lord, I feel guilty for these crippling feelings of loneliness, I can be surrounded by people but be so alone.

Sometimes Lord, I feel nothing, like I'm switched off, as though the world is grey and blank, even when I should be engaged in living.

Sometimes Lord, I forget that you love me. I reject myself and retreat, instead of being open.

Lord, thank you that you walked on earth, experienced these feelings and took each one to the cross. Thank you that I can always be real with you and trust in you to hear my prayers.


Prayer for loneliness in marriage
(a prayer to help with times of loneliness in a marriage relationship)

Dear Lord,

I find myself adrift from the husband I love.
For life has washed us far apart,
our love life's lost its heart.
How is it that although we sit together every night,
Our connections have just gone numb, we've given up the fight?
And all I feel is loneliness, where did our friendship flee?
Could we somehow retrace our steps to find what we used to be?

Help me Lord to be the first to speak out words of life.
To reminisce of special times and plan new dreams in Christ.
Prompt me Lord to gently touch his hand and ask to pray.
Give me strength to repent and forgive till the rubble clears away.

Show me how to tend to us, and make our marriage grow.
Give me wisdom to plant new seeds and find warmth and rain for growth.
For how can a love just fade, when cradled in your arms?
We are a cord of three true strands and you are part of us.

Weave us back, our lives entwined with life and hope again,
Until we find the blessing of being married to our own best friend.


prayer for hope and strength

a short prayer to find God's hope during a dark or difficult time:-

"We are a cord of three true strands and you are part of us"

Prayer for strength and peace

O Lord,

You are the light that guides my feet.
You are the map that gives me direction.
You are the peace that makes me strong.
You are the leader whom I faithfully follow.

May your light illuminate my life
And your guidance bring direction.
May I find inspiration in your word
And peace in my heart as I follow you.


bible verses about God's hope

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials."

(1 Peter 1:3-5, NIV)

"I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."

(Romans 15:13, NLT)

"I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for."

(Jeremiah 29:11, GNT)