living prayers - contemporary prayers for today

contemporary prayers for today

birthday prayers

happy birthday message spelt in candles
The birthday of a loved one is a time of great celebration - of the past, for the present and for the future. We rejoice in all that has gone, all the achievements of our loved one and all the happy memories we hold together. We can revel in the present, for a birthday is cause for singing and rejoicing. And we can look to what is yet to be, and ask for great blessing on their life and destiny in God.

This page has four prayers for family birthdays. There is a birthday prayer for your child (son or daughter), a blessing for your brother or sister's birthday, and a prayer for your mom (or dad's) birthday. There are also two short prayers further down on this page for sending as messages in cards or via email or facebook.

happy birthday blessing

An inspiring message to send to a friend or loved one as they celebrate their special day:-

"May he feel special and walk into the next year with excitement for his future."

Birthday prayer for a daughter or son


I am so blessed to be given such a wonderful daughter/son. She/he has always been a light in my life bringing such joy and happiness. I pray on this day when we all celebrate her birth for your love to chase after her. May she enjoy life and always be protected by you. Lead her forwards to grow into the woman/man you have intended her to be, full of grace and truth, strong in faith and hope, and rich in love.

Thank you for her life so far. I continue to trust her to you.


Birthday prayer for a brother or sister

Dear Father,

I pray for my brother/sister as he/she celebrates his birthday today. Please fill his heart with such happy memories, fill his day with fun and laughter, and his mind with hope for the future. Thank you for giving us each other, please protect and keep him. Help me to be a good sister/brother to him, to encourage and care for him and be there for him. May he walk in your richness, goodness and grace, and know that you are with him always.
I love him so, but I know you love him more. So I trust that your love will follow him always.


Birthday celebration image with flowers

"May he walk in your richness, goodness and grace"

Birthday prayer for my husband or wife


Thank you for my wonderful husband/wife. I remember the absolute joy of meeting him/her and becoming his wife/husband. I am so grateful for the way your love has woven our lives together through the years. I treasure all that he is and all that we have become as a couple. Please bless him with such contentment and hope on this birthday. May his memories be sweet and his day be full of laughter and joy. May he be aware of your love for him. May he feel special and walk into the next year with excitement for his future.


two short prayers suitable for writing in a birthday card

May God protect and keep you on this special day and throughout the coming year. May it be a year filled to overflowing with His richness, goodness and grace!

May this special day be filled with excitement and hope, and may the Lord bless you with health and happiness throughout the coming year.


further reading

arrow rightprayers for happiness
featuring Christian prayers asking for happiness, joy and love in life, with short quotes from the bible.

arrow rightbeautiful prayers
a collection of traditional prayers and celtic blessings suitable for sending to a friend or loved one.

arrow rightprayers for strength
with prayers for courage, peace & guidance and a simple prayer for strength at work.

arrow rightsimple prayers
exploring why simple prayer is important, with sample prayers for children, school times and healing.

Birthday Prayer for Mom or Dad

Dear God,

Thank you for my Dad/Mom. He is loved so much by us all. May his birthday be filled with special moments. May it be a time to remember and  to celebrate times gone before. May it be a time to share love and laughter with family and friends and a time to enjoy this wonderful world together.

Bless him and keep him this next year. Fill his mind with excitement and hope, watch over his health and happiness and let him know how much he is cherished and cared for, by us and by you, his heavenly Father.
